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"Lemon" by Kenshi Yonezu

*This material is used solely for language learning purposes.
February 4, 2025 by
"Lemon" by Kenshi Yonezu

Watch & Listen

Study Tips

  1. Focus on Repetition: Words like , and  appear frequently.
  2. Pair with Lyrics: Use the example lines to see how words function in context.
  3. Listen for Key Phrases: Notice how grammar like 〜てくる or 〜ならば is pronounced in the song.
  4. Flashcards: Prioritize verbs (刺す, 消える) and emotional nouns (悲しみ, 笑顔).

Check out lyrics

Here’s a Japanese-English bilingual excerpt of Kenshi Yonezu’s Lemon (note: lyrics are copyrighted, so this is a partial translation for educational purposes; full lyrics can be found on official platforms):

Japanese LyricsEnglish Translation
[Verse 1]
夢ならばどれほどよかったでしょうIf only this were just a dream, how much better it would be.
未だにあなたのことを夢にみるEven now, I see you in my dreams.
忘れた物を取りに帰るようにLike returning to retrieve something forgotten,
古びた思い出の埃を払うI brush the dust off old memories.
[Verse 2]
戻らない幸せがあることをThat some happiness can never return,
最後にあなたが教えてくれたYou were the one who taught me that in the end.
言えずに隠してた昏い過去もEven the dark past I kept hidden and couldn't speak of,
あなたがいなきゃ永遠に昏いままWithout you, would remain dark forever.
きっともうこれ以上 傷つくことなどSurely, I know that there’s no more pain beyond this.
ありはしないとわかっているI understand that now.
あの日の悲しみさえ あの日の苦しみさえEven the sadness of that day, even the pain of that day,
そのすべてを愛してた あなたとともにI loved them all, along with you.
胸に残り離れない 苦いレモンの匂いThe bitter scent of lemon lingers in my heart.
雨が降り止むまでは帰れないUntil the rain stops falling, I cannot go home.
今でもあなたはわたしの光Even now, you are my light.
[Verse 3]
暗闇であなたの背をなぞったIn the darkness, I traced your back.
その輪郭を鮮明に覚えているI remember its outline so vividly.
受け止めきれないものと出会うたびEvery time I encounter something I cannot bear,
溢れてやまないのは涙だけThe only thing that overflows is my tears.
何をしていたの 何を見ていたのWhat were you doing? What were you looking at?
わたしの知らない横顔でWith a face I did not know.
どこかであなたが今 わたしと同じ様なIf somewhere out there, you are now, just like me,
涙にくれ 淋しさの中にいるならLost in tears, drowning in loneliness,
わたしのことなどどうか 忘れてくださいPlease, just forget about me.
そんなことを心から願うほどにI wish for that with all my heart.
今でもあなたはわたしの光Even now, you are my light.
自分が思うよりMore than I ever thought,
恋をしていたあなたにI was in love with you.
あれから思うようにSince then, it feels like
息ができないI cannot breathe properly.
あんなに側にいたのにEven though we were so close,
まるで嘘みたいIt all feels like a lie.
とても忘れられないI simply cannot forget.
それだけが確かThat is the only thing I am sure of.
あの日の悲しみさえ あの日の苦しみさえEven the sadness of that day, even the pain of that day,
そのすべてを愛してた あなたとともにI loved them all, along with you.
胸に残り離れない 苦いレモンの匂いThe bitter scent of lemon lingers in my heart.
雨が降り止むまでは帰れないUntil the rain stops falling, I cannot go home.
切り分けた果実の片方の様にLike one half of a split fruit,
今でもあなたはわたしの光Even now, you are my light.

Learn Vocab

Here’s a comprehensive vocabulary list to understand Kenshi Yonezu’s Lemon, categorized by key themes and frequency in the song. I’ve included kanji, kana, romaji, English meanings, and example lines for context:

Core Vocabulary List

#JapaneseRomajiMeaningExample Sentence
1yumedream毎晩、不思議なを見る。 (I have strange dreams every night.)
2あなたanatayouあなたのことが好きです。 (I like you.)
3忘れるwasureruto forget宿題をするのを忘れた。 (I forgot to do my homework.)
4幸せshiawasehappiness幸せな気持ちになった。 (I felt happy.)
5昏いkuraidark, gloomy部屋の中が昏い。 (The room is dark.)
6過去kakopast過去のことは忘れよう。 (Let's forget about the past.)
7傷つくkizutsukuto be hurt彼の言葉で傷ついた。 (I was hurt by his words.)
8悲しみkanashimisadness悲しみを乗り越える。 (To overcome sadness.)
9苦しみkurushimipain, suffering彼の苦しみがわかる。 (I understand his suffering.)
10munechest, heartがドキドキする。 (My heart is pounding.)
11匂いnioismell, scent花の匂いがする。 (I smell flowers.)
12amerainが降っている。 (It is raining.)
13hikarilight太陽のがまぶしい。 (The sunlight is bright.)
14暗闇kurayamidarkness暗闇が怖い。 (I am afraid of the dark.)
15namidatearsが止まらない。 (I can't stop my tears.)
16koilove (romantic)初めてのをした。 (I fell in love for the first time.)
17ikibreathを深く吸ってください。 (Take a deep breath.)
18sobaside, nearいつもにいるよ。 (I'll always be by your side.)
19usolieそれはじゃない? (Isn't that a lie?)
20忘れられないwasurerarenaicannot forget彼の言葉が忘れられない。 (I can't forget his words.)
21もしmoshiifもし雨が降ったら、家にいる。 (If it rains, I'll stay home.)
22まだmadastill, yet仕事はまだ終わっていない。 (The work is not finished yet.)
23imanow何時ですか? (What time is it now?)
24帰るkaeruto return home学校から帰る。 (I return home from school.)
25ものmonothingこれは大切なものです。 (This is an important thing.)
26教えるoshieruto teach先生が日本語を教える。 (The teacher teaches Japanese.)
27隠すkakusuto hide彼は秘密を隠した。 (He hid a secret.)
28もっとmottomoreもっと食べたい。 (I want to eat more.)
29以上ijoumore than10歳以上の人は入れます。 (People over 10 years old can enter.)
30分かるwakaruto understand日本語が少し分かる。 (I understand a little Japanese.)
31離れるhanareruto separate, to leave家族と離れた。 (I was separated from my family.)
32そばsobanear, beside彼のそばにいたい。 (I want to be near him.)
33できるdekirucan do日本語を話すことができる。 (I can speak Japanese.)
34片方katahouone side, one half片方の靴がない。 (One of my shoes is missing.)
35meeye彼のは青い。 (His eyes are blue.)
36koevoice彼女のが好きです。 (I like her voice.)
37yorunightに映画を見る。 (I watch movies at night.)
38まるでmarudejust like, as ifまるで夢のようだ。 (It's just like a dream.)
39そんなsonnasuch, like thatそんなこと信じられない。 (I can't believe such a thing.)
40ことkotothing (abstract)それは大事なことです。 (That is an important thing.)
41ただtadajust, onlyただの友達です。 (We are just friends.)

Thematic Vocabulary Groups

  1. Emotions:
    • 悲しみ (kanashimi - sadness), 苦しみ (kurushimi - pain), 幸せ (shiawase - happiness)
  2. Time:
    • 過去 (kako - past), 今でも (ima demo - even now), 永遠 (eien - eternity)
  3. Metaphors:
    • 光 (hikari - light), 暗い (kurai - dark), 胸を刺す (mune o sasu - "stabbing the heart")




Learn Grammar

Grammar Notes

  1. Conditional Form (ならば):
    • Formal way to say "if." Often shortened to なら (e.g., 夢なら).
  2. 〜てくる (te kuru):
    • Indicates an action that continues or affects the present ("stabbing keeps happening").
  3. Possessive の:
    • わたしの光 = "my light." の connects nouns (like "of" in English).
  4. Casual Contractions (〜てる):
    • 思ってる = 思っている ("I am thinking"). Common in spoken Japanese.

Break down lyrics

Japanese LineEnglish TranslationVocab/Grammar Notes
yume naraba dore hodo yokatta deshou
"If only it were a dream, how wonderful it would have been"Vocab: 夢 (ゆめ - dream). Grammar: ならば (conditional "if"), どれほど (how much), でしょう (speculation).
imadani anata no koto o yume ni miru
"Even now, I dream of you"Vocab: 未だに (いまだに - still). Grammar: を marks object (あなたのこと).
wasureta mono o tori ni kaeru you ni
"Like returning to retrieve something forgotten"Vocab: 忘れた (わすれた - forgot). Grammar: ように (like/as if).
furubita omoide no hokori o harau)
"I brush off the dust of old memories"Vocab: 古びた (ふるびた - aged), 埃 (ほこり - dust). Grammar: を for direct object.
modoranai shiawase ga aru koto o
"That there is happiness that won’t return"Vocab: 戻らない (もどらない - won’t return). Grammar: がある (there is).
saigo ni anata ga oshiete kureta
"You taught me that in the end"Grammar: てくれた (someone did something for the speaker).
iezuni kakushiteta kurai kako mo
"The dark past I couldn’t speak of and hid"Vocab: 昏い (くらい - dark). Grammar: ずに (without doing).
anata ga inakya eien ni kurai mama
"Would’ve stayed dark forever without you"Vocab: いなきゃ (colloquial for いなければ). Grammar: まま (as it is).
きっともうこれ以上傷つくことなど…"I know there’s nothing more painful than this"Vocab: 傷つく (きずつく - to hurt). Grammar: とわかっている (know that...).
あの日の悲しみさえ あの日の苦しみさえ"Even the sadness of that day, even the pain of that day"Grammar: さえ (even). Cultural Note: Repetition emphasizes lingering emotions.
胸に残り離れない苦いレモンの匂い"A bitter lemon scent that clings to my heart"Vocab: レモン (lemon). Metaphor: Bitterness + fleeting sweetness of memories.
雨が降り止むまでは帰れない"I can’t return until the rain stops"Grammar: まで (until). Cultural Note: Rain symbolizes unresolved grief.
暗闇であなたの背をなぞった"In the dark, I traced your silhouette"Vocab: 暗闇 (くらやみ - darkness). Grammar: で (location marker).
溢れてやまないのは涙だけ"Only tears overflow endlessly"Grammar: 〜てやまない (doesn’t stop). Poetic: Tears as uncontainable emotion.
自分が思うより恋をしていたあなたに"To you, whom I loved more than I realized"Grammar: より (than). Structure: Relative clause modifying あなた.
切り分けた果実の片方の様に"Like one half of a split fruit"Vocab: 片方 (かたほう - one half). Metaphor: loss of a shared bond.
今でもあなたはわたしの光"Even now, you are my light"Vocab: 光 (ひかり - light). Cultural Note: Common metaphor for hope/guiding force.



What lines still feel challenging? Please return to those in the learning loop! 


Key Themes & Notes

Metaphors: Light (光), darkness (暗い), and dreams (夢) symbolize loss, memory, and lingering hope.

Grammar: Phrases like ~ならば (if) and ~まま (as it is) reflect regret and unchanging emotional states.

Cultural Context: The song, written for the drama Unnatural, ties to themes of grief and unresolved love.

For the full lyrics, check official sources like:

Kenshi Yonezu’s official website or YouTube channel.

Licensed music platforms (e.g., Apple Music, Spotify).

"Lemon" by Kenshi Yonezu
English2impact February 4, 2025
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